samedi 14 mars 2009

L'Ombrelle de Miss Vicky Butterfly...

Voilà. J'avais envie de couleurs douces, de teintes tendres, vous savez ce rose et ce vert qui sont si bien ensemble et qui annoncent le printemps. J'ai donc sorti un grand format, une photo d'une trés jolie effeuilleuse burlesque, Miss Vicky Butterfly, mes tubes de couleurs, mes pinceaux, les chats qui roupillent pas loin, un thé qui frémit sur la plaque et... Hop, voici une demoiselle d'un temps ancien où l'élégance était de mise...

Vous pouvez aussi découvrir mon blog ici...
Et mon site, tout nouveau, propre comme un sou neuf !

11 commentaires:

Mark Eaton a dit…

Such beautiful work on your blog. I look forward to viewing more.

léna a dit…

Magnifique tableau.
C'est vrai que ces couleurs annoncent le printemps qui arrive à grand pas
Bravo pour ton travail
Bonne soirée a dit…

She is bea-u-ti-ful!

Jamie :-)

Candace a dit…

Miss Vicky Butterfly is truly beautiful! My work is varied. My line drawings were done with a micron pen and then filled in with crayon and/or coloured pencil.
Merci pour les comments.
A bientot,
Candace in Athens (My French is terrible, c'est dommage!)

Sarah a dit…

Hello Tatieva!
Thanks for visiting my blog and for your lovely comment on my photograph. I am excites about the coming of Spring!
Miss Butterfly is tres jolie! I loved looking through your blog at your work and other interesting and beautiful things. I shall return!
A kiss from London too! x

Michaele Sommerville a dit…

Tatieva, thank you for visiting my blog and for leaving a link back to yours- what beautifully vibrant artwork you create! I look forward to exploring your beautiful blog.


Anonyme a dit…

Hello Tatieva,

Thanks so much for your kind comments and visit to my blog..I love your La Nuit Poupee. She is adorable. Such a beautiful face.

Au Revior,


Selba a dit…

This is really an interesting blog... love the art :)

MaygreenFairies a dit…

Merci beaucoup pour votre belle commentaires sur mon blog. Mandy x

Sonia a dit…

Hello Tatieva, Thank you so much for visiting my blog and for your lovely comment. I would love to learn french. My husband and I translated the comment together. I LOVE your work though. Looking at all you pictures, you do great work. Keep it up girl!!

Robynn's Ravings a dit…

Bon Jour Tatieva! Thus nearly ends my French! Merci beaucoup for stopping by my blog and only wish I could understand more of the message. lol I can see you have referenced my snake but I LOVE that you wrote in French. :)

Your art is exquisite and I love your use of color. My daughter will want to see it when she wakes up. She is a student of art and I need to post some of her work on my blog. Thank you for the idea.

Robynn :)